Saturday, March 30, 2013

15 Unique Colors.... and all of them are green

Hello everyone! My name is Miss FIAT. =)

Probably one of my favorite features on the FIAT 500 are the 15 unique exterior colors. I love all of them, but I especially love seeing FIAT owners select the color that perfectly fits their personality. I read somewhere that one of the most popular car colors is silver; this is not true for the FIAT 500. While the FIAT 500 still looks super stylish in Argento (silver), it is definitely not one of the most popular colors.

The FIAT 500 is fun and unique, and it has several fun and unique paint colors from which to choose. Most of these are colors that only the FIAT 500 can pull off, so please, do not try this on other vehicles. Just picturing Toyota Camry in Verde Chiaro is.... well, as my friend Gary would say: "That ain't right." ;-)

Here's a list of all the available colors on the 2013 FIAT 500:
Verde Chiaro (avocado green)
Verde Azul (dark blue-green)
Verde Oliva (olive green)
Azurro (bright blue)
Luce Blu (light blue)
Espresso (dark brown)
Rosso (signature FIAT red)
Rosso Brillante (pearl red)
Rame (burnt orange)
Nero (black)
Grigio (dark grey)
Argento (silver)
Bianco (white)
Biacno Perla (pearl white)
Giallo (yellow)

I know you're looking at this list thinking: Miss FIAT, you said all of the FIAT colors are green... you're clearly mistaken. What I meant by that is, every FIAT is ecofriendly. In 2011, name the FIAT 500 one of the Top 10 Green Cars. Besides getting some killer MPGs the FIAT has super low CO2 emissions, which makes mother earth happy.

Sooo.... What is your favorite FIAT 500 color?

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